Can VR help with education? Yes!
It’s been shown over and over that VR/AR technology does help children engage with subjects. At Experied we thoroughly believe that VR/AR has the potential to be a standardised tool in education. VR/ AR is something that could revolutionise the way in which students are taught for both Primary and Secondary education as well as higher education. So, can VR help with education? Yes!
VR/AR is rapidly growing sector as education bodies are realising the value of it. That was the view from leading global investment banking, securities and investment management firm Goldman Sachs in a recent report, discussing the value and expected demand for VR/AR technology within education over the common years.
Expectation are high and lucrative. Figures from analyst’s IDC forecast that worldwide revenues for the augmented reality and virtual reality (AR/VR) market will increase by 100 per cent or more over each of the next four years, with spend on AR/VR products and services expected to soar from $11.4 billion in 2017 to nearly $215 billion 2021.
Education is expected to represent a sizeable chunk of this figure, being used to provide students with a new more immersed and engaging way of learning.
But just how good is it? Can VR help with education? Is it something school’s should be taking serious?
Find out more with an in depth chat about Experied and what we do.
First and foremost, we consider ourselves an education and enrichment company, and not a technology or tech/ed company. Our key focus is the needs of students, teachers and the schools themselves. Experied offer a comprehensive library nearly of interactive Virtual Reality modules to allow students to immerse themselves in an array of subjects.
Experied VR is a global provider of education and enrichment materials and is founded on the concept of engagement. How do we help the students engage with the material? At the heart of this is founder Ben Loyd Holmes, an award winning film producer. “Gone are the days of sit an listen, education providers work tirelessly to improve the lives and learning of young people and that all comes down to engagement. When I was making feature films, it was the same issue, how do we bring the audience in? How do we make them connect with the material. When I was supporting a charitable cause I realised, often charities also had the same issue. Engagement, experience of the subject. It was from there we began researching the benefits of experiential education and immersion.” With the help of education partners, Experied was born and has since created innovative digital learning solutions, using immersive technologies.
Experied offer the first effective, affordable and interactive immersive learning material for students everywhere.
As a company Experied is made up of educators and content producers which provides us with a unique position, to understand the requirements of the content and create it effectively.
So how does VR help with education? Every Experied module consists of: a primary learning objective, a core concept and an experience. We also offer a range of assessments that can be utilised within the learning environment. This allows educators to utilise the VR module however they feel is best for their students and where they are in the subject matter.
The key benefit and the reason VR help with education is here for good, is that it fills a need that exists, and which cannot be filled in others ways
What is Experied’s core activity? Why is VR help with education so important?
We are based in the United Kingdom, we are a global company. We provide a number of our materials in multiple languages and also offer language free options. Every classroom worldwide is our market because we understand the challenges faced by schools, and we feel we can attend to those needs.
Overcoming challenges is a huge part of what we do. No internet connection? We have a solution. Wish to study in your native language? We have a solution. Limited budgets and resources? We have a solution.
At Experied, we believe to be a global leader in education materials, you need to first understand the needs of learners, and the challenges faced by teachers and schools. We started Experied to help and this ethos runs through our entire operation.
VR is a comparatively new technology – why should it be taken seriously and how does VR help with education?
In terms of the wider market it is comparatively new, but it has been around for a while. A small number of teachers, before they gave this a try, felt that VR could be a fad, and that it will come and go like previous technologies. However, once a teacher uses this device ad experiences the Experied technology they instantly understand the benefits and possibilities. The largest benefit and the reason VR help with education is here for good, is that it fills a need that exists, and which cannot be filled in others ways. The ability to experience and truly understand an obscure concept by immersing students into that realm through the use of VR, allowing each and every student to launch themselves into space, climb the tallest mountains or dive the deepest depths to examine the site of a historical ship wreck. Experied VR and AR materials support educators in the way they feel most appropriate. Learner focused, educator focused.
The ability to experience and truly understand an obscure concept by immersing students into that realm through the use of VR, allowing each and every student to launch themselves into space, climb the tallest mountains or dive the deepest depths to examine the site of a historical ship wreck.
What are the biggest benefits to using VR for the students and the tutors? How VR help with education?
It is becoming widely accepted that VR is the final connective tissue between a learner, and a concept and at Experied we see the positive impact it has first hand. Teachers do a fantastic job at inspiring young minds, but traditional materials can only take students so far in understanding ideas and concepts. We believe teachers deserve more support and students deserve the experience.
It is well established that visual aids and experiential learning is the most benefial ways of learning, but they are also the toughest for a teacher to orchestrate. That’s where Experied can help. Obviously we could never and would never want to replace a teacher or become the main mode of content delivery, far from it. The teacher is too important, they are the most pivotal piece in the education puzzle. But when studying photosynthesis, there are some things that VR can do help a teacher take the students to a deeper level of understanding. We can take a student inside a plant and even inside the human body, surrounded by blood cells. We can even take a student into space. Experied VR enriches the learning process by allowing students to experience processes and gain a deeper understanding of concepts. It is the most exciting and powerful tool available, without actually taking them into space.
Experiential learning is a very powerful tool, but it’s also imperative to understand the realities of classrooms and requirements of different students. There are also major differences in the education syllabus in different countries. There are many schools are trying to attend to the needs of multiple populations with numerous language issues. With Experied you can allow for self-directed learning in a student’s first language, then additionally complete the exercise in the target language.
In some schools there can be issues with budgets that don’t allow for physical labs, for biology, chemistry and so on, but they can afford to have VR, thereby reducing the financial burden on schools.
What is the process for a school to get started with Experied ?
The first step is a consultation with the Experied team. During this we will discuss what products the school is interested in taking on and over what period. We make it very easy for schools and the more VR products are taken on the better value it is. Once the products are chosen we move on to ‘delivery’, how the students and teachers will access the materials.
We have a number of options to make this easy, as we know it is a key challenge for a school. We offer a number of delivery and viewing options allowing the school to choose what is right for them. VR goggles, the ‘hardware’ is something that we offer and we also allow schools to get their own. We offer a free basic hardware option as well as more comprehensive hardware offering, which can be rented or purchased. Our VR materials can be on almost any manufacturers device, allowing schools the option to access it however they want.
With the subject and hardware options chosen, the final step is delivery. We offer client’s the option of remote access, via an internet connection or in places where internet connection may be an issue, we also offer a physical delivery via hard drives, SD cards or inbuilt into the headset hardware.
We do not give each student their own account, instead a school and or year / group within the school gets an account. This allows the client to dictate the amount of content that the student has access to and on what terms.

Is it difficult to train staff how to use it?
It is a very simple, intuitive process, but we are here to make it easy so for those that need help we have plenty of training materials and can offer in-person tutorials should they be needed.
How much does it cost?
The cost for content is from as little as £0.50 per student, per month. It’s outstandingly good value. You can pick your subjects and or have full access to the most exciting, diverse and beneficial educational VR content available anywhere in the world.
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